【同义词辨析】 2019-09-23 灌输infuse-leaven

infuse: implies a pouring in and permeating of something that gives new life or vigor or significance: new members ~d the club with new enthusiasm.     permeate弥散遍布to spread throughout, to pervade,如water will permeate blotting paper水能渗透吸水纸,如the aroma of soup permeated the air汤的香味弥漫在空气中,如his personality has begun to permeate through the whole organization他的人格魅力开始影响整个组织。另外,词根PER本身也表示through穿过通过)

suffuse: implies a spreading through or over of something that gives a distinctive color or quality: a room ~d with light and cheerfulness.   SUR词根表示上above,over,IN词根表示里in,它们不同的意思也体现在了suffuse和infuse上)

imbue: implies a permeating so deep and so complete that the very substance and nature of the thing affected are altered: ~d he students with intellectual curiosity.   形近词imbibe表示喝水接纳观点,如in summer we imbibe a lot of water, 如imbibed Capitalism in his youth青年时接纳资本主义,可见两个形近词意思相反)  如he managed to imbue his employees with team spirit他设法使他的员工充满团队合作精神

ingrain: suggests the indelible stamping or deep implanting of a quality, idea, or trait: clung to ~ed habits and beliefs.       (trait是特征特点quality, property等基础词的基础词

inoculate: implies an imbuing or implanting with a germinal idea and often suggests surreptitiousness or subtlety: tried to ~ the child with a taste for opera.   germinal萌芽阶段的,处于初级状态的,起根源的;孕育新思想,开创性的。    如a program to inoculate every child in the state为该州所有儿童预防接种的计划,如his dogs were inoculated against rabies他的狗注射过狂犬疫苗

leaven: implies introducing something that enlivens, tempers, or alters the total quality: a serious play ~d with comic moments.  三个首字母是tea茶,茶叶需要leaven发酵调和

infuse注入: 表示注入浸透从而赋予新生命活力意义,suffuse弥漫: 表示好像撒满遍布,使具有特有的颜色特征,imbue灌输充满: 指完全深入地浸透,以致改变实质属性,ingrain使根深蒂固: 表示深深植入,留下永久印记,如观念习惯特征,inoculate疫苗、潜移默化: 表示灌输植入新思想时悄无声息,潜移默化,还指接种疫苗,leaven酵母影响: 表示引入的东西有活跃调和的作用

记忆方法: 1)首字母ISIIIL想成古今中外4历史<==灌输智慧

          2)灌输的意思是全面引入某物mean to introduce one thing into another so as to affect it throughout.